September 2016 RSS Feed

Found 2 blog entries for September 2016.

jo's coffee on south congressImage courtesy of @jimyaria on Instagram

National Coffee day is here: September 29th. If you're looking for a cup, you're in luck. We've compiled a list of our favorite places to grab a coffee in Austin, with a coffee shop for everyone.

The best coffee shop is the one that's closest to you. Next door, down the street or down the block, you're probably close to a coffee shop you know and frequent. If you're close to one of these 23 coffee shops, though, you're in for an even sweeter treat. From locally founded Austin coffee roasters to the most iconic coffee shops in Austin, you're sure to find the perfect place to perk up.

Mozart's Coffee Roasters

the deck of mozart's coffee roasters with many tablesImage courtesy of @mozartscoffee on Instagram

There's no better place to relax on warm fall…

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Austin skyline

Now that you’ve moved to Austin, you’re probably going to have a lot of out of town guests very soon. Of course friends and family will want to visit you -- you now live in one of the coolest cities in the U.S.! There’s always something going on, from music festivals to hot sauce festivals, depending on the time of year. We thought you might need some suggestions on places to take friends or family in Austin, so here’s a few of our favorite Austin places to visit when you have guests visiting.

The Texas Capitol 

Texas Capitol

Located in downtown Austin on Congress Avenue and 11th Street, it’s full of Texas history and has a nice view of the UT Tower behind it. Free guided and audio tours are available Monday through Sunday at various times throughout the…

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